Here are the PLN activities by general activity and their specific actions, for face-2-face or offline interactions:
Tag: Overviews
PLN activities – device-mediated
A Socio-technical Approach to Higher Education design
I’ve been developing some ideas and principles around the concept of a Socio-Technical Approach to education – specifically UK Higher Education. These ideas are still in development, so any thoughts or comments you may have would be gratefully received.
I have attempted to outline (in fairly over-simplified terms) this approach in the graphic below.
Personal Learning Networks explained
Here is a simple interactive graphic which attempts to expand on the question of what a Personal Learning Network is. Click the hotspots on the right hand side for fuller explanations.
A research blog for developing a framework for understanding Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)
Today’s networked, self-regulating learner has an autonomously and organically created network of connections which they grow, manage and activate for specific purposes in specific ways. Learners have established preferences over the devices, software and activation patterns that best suit their learning contexts. This network includes:
- human contacts,
- technological devices,
- social networks,
- professional and academic networks,
- gaming networks,
- personal blogs,
- email networks……… and more.
The emerging research field of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) considers all these networks and preferences as component networks within a single personal learning resource which needs to be fully described and explained before PLNs can become a powerful addition to teaching and learning.