Have just finished the paper for the Digital Workshop that I will be involved with at the WWW Conference 2016. Hope to see it appear in the conference proceedings later this year! The workshop will present an innovative module entitled ‘Living and Working on the Web’ under the session title ‘Collaborative social learning: rewards and challenges in mainstream Higher Education’. I am very excited by this as it will be my first major conference as a presenter (albeit a workshop).
Author: Nic
A research blog for developing a framework for understanding Personal Learning Networks (PLNs)
Today’s networked, self-regulating learner has an autonomously and organically created network of connections which they grow, manage and activate for specific purposes in specific ways. Learners have established preferences over the devices, software and activation patterns that best suit their learning contexts. This network includes:
- human contacts,
- technological devices,
- social networks,
- professional and academic networks,
- gaming networks,
- personal blogs,
- email networks……… and more.
The emerging research field of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) considers all these networks and preferences as component networks within a single personal learning resource which needs to be fully described and explained before PLNs can become a powerful addition to teaching and learning.